Celebrate The Lake

Join Lake Erie Foundation on August 15, 2024 to celebrate Lake Erie with a Summer Fundraiser at Sandusky Yacht Club!

Join Lake Erie Foundation and Celebrate The Lake!

Lake Erie Foundation is excited to invite you to attend our Celebrate the Lake – a gathering for our Great Lake Erie! This event will take place on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at the beautiful Sandusky Yacht Club starting at 5:30pm.

There will be a short program featuring our guest speaker Dr. Chris Winslow, Director of Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab, and he will speak about the partnership with Lake Erie Foundation and the work we are doing together to improve Lake Erie and also what is on the horizon.

Jim Stouffer, CEO of Catawba Cleveland Development Corp, and President of LEF will be our emcee and address the progress that Lake Erie Foundation is making to fulfill our mission and the issues that are the priorities.

Raise Awareness

Join us to raise awareness of the critical issues facing Lake Erie. In 2024 we are focusing our efforts on Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) and plastics and microplastics.

We are launching several initiatives to highlight and engage community members in reducing single use plastics.

Build Relationships

We have successfully testified at the Ohio Statehouse on behalf of the businesses and communities that rely on a healthy Lake Erie.

We are a trusted and respected source for many of our government officials, scientists, farmers, and businesses. We are also assisting companies testing new technology to address HABs.

Secure Critical Funding

Lake Erie Foundation, in partnership with Ohio State University was pivotal in securing state funds and matching federal funds for a pilot project in a geographically focused sub-watershed area within the H2Ohio program for 2022-23.

This pilot project will increase the number of farms implementing phosphorus reducing practices from 25% to 75-80% of the farms in one year. We will be monitoring the outcomes of this pilot program.

We cannot accomplish this work without generous members, donors, and businesses who support our work. Your contributions invest in collaboration, advocacy, and a voice for all of us who want and rely on the clean water from a healthier Lake Erie.

If your business is interested in sponsoring, you can download our Sponsorship Packages here or you have any questions, please contact mmlavelle@lakeeriefoundation.org.

We hope to see you in person at Sandusky Yacht Club on August 15th!

Join Lake Erie Foundation to

Thursday, August 15, 2024
Sandusky Yacht Club
Starting at 5:30

Summer Gathering to support LEF

Sponsorship Opportunities Are Available

Thank You To Our Sponsors


