Learn About Lake Erie Through Video

How LEF Helps
Lake Erie Foundation (LEF) and its members, over 500 strong, are the strongest and most effective voices that exist for protecting and restoring Lake Erie and its rivers and streams. We work at local, state and federal levels for effective laws and regulations that will reduce pollution, restore vital natural systems like coastal wetlands, and encourage smart growth in our communities.
LEF acts as a watchdog to elevate good practices for healing our waterways, while being vigilant about projects that could degrade water quality. LEF often submit comments to governing bodies regarding agricultural practices, nutrient reduction strategies, fisheries management, wastewater management issues, and more. LEF is a well-respected resource on environmental issues that impact Lake Erie, its rivers, and streams.
Ice | Lake Erie Video Series
Lake Erie is Ohio’s greatest natural resource. It supplies drinking water for 11 million people, strengthens the economic impact of more than $14 billion in tourism each year, and enhances the quality of life and provides habitat for wildlife. Ice affects Lake Erie and surrounding communities during the winter as well as the rest of the year. Ice moderates the lakes levels, prevents erosion, and produces massive snowfall in communities near the lake. While too little ice can harm fish populations, too much ice impedes shipping and commerce.